One of the most common places for catching bed bugs is at a hotel. Historically any hotel or inn has been a breeding ground for bed bugs. This is due to the frequency of travelers and easy access to luggage. There are ways to prevent bed bugs from travelling with you. Reviews Check reviews for…
Category: Bed Bug Facts
5 Surprising places that might have bed bugs
Buildings you could potentially find bed bugs We’re all aware of bed bugs in residential areas and hotels but the infestation can happen elsewhere. Bed bugs are crafty travelers and reside anywhere there are people because we are their food source. Here are locations that were once uncommon for bed bugs. Offices There are been…
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What Attracts Bed Bugs?
Bed Bug Attraction to dirty laundry It’s been shown that bed bugs are very attracted to dirty laundry. This doesn’t come as unusual since they primarily look for their human food source. However, it shows that they are attracted to the scent of humans either the scent of sweat or shed skin cells. This can…
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